What I do


Damaged a device and don't want to pay premium prices?

I have been repairing devices now for years and have gained experience with many makes and models. Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Consoles and many more. If you need a repair don't hesitate to get in touch.

Screen Replacements

Battery Replacement

Audio issues

Software Problems


Screen Repairs.

Both Glass and Display repairs available.

  • Touch issues?
  • Display issues?
  • Screen Freezing?
  • Cracks in screen?

Battery Replacement

Replacements available for many devices.

  • Device losing power quickly?
  • Taking a while to charge?
  • Device wont power on?
  • Device powering off before running out of charge?

Audio Issues

Any form of sound problems.

  • Unable to hear people during calls?
  • Can't hear songs or videos clearly?
  • People can't hear you?
  • Sound is too quiet?

Software Problems

Issues with how the device functions.

  • Device caught in a bootloop?
  • Intermittent issues?
  • Device running too slow?
  • Device crashing?
  • Applications wont load?


Adding a personal touch.

  • Fancy a change of colour to your device?
  • Games console controller designs?
  • Games console wrapping?
  • Phone housing changes?
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